Pork and Berbere stew

250gm S liced B acon -
1.5kg B oneless P ork S houlder - cut into 1 - inch cubes -
3 t bsp R ape S eed O il -
1 large W hite O nion - chopped -
4 large G arlic cloves - minced -
3 tbsp Flavourmagic B erbere Seasoning -
2 Cubes of B eef S tock -
1 cup S trong B rewed C offee -
1 cup W ater -
750ml jar T omatoes Passat a -
1 ti n R ed B eans or K idney B eans - r insed and drained.
Piri Piri Shrimp

60ml V egetable O il -
1 L emon - juiced -
1/2 L ime - juiced -
1 R ed B ell P epper - stem and seeds removed -
2 ts p F lavourmagic P iri P iri Seasoning -
2 cloves G arlic -
1/4 cup C oriander - chopped -
Flavourmagic C hilli Rock S alt -
1kg S hell - on S hrimp (head on shrimp are ideal if you can find them) -
Vegetable O il for cooking
Grilled Fajita Pork Chop Salad

6 P ork C hops -
50ml O live O il -
3 t sp Flavourmagic F ajita Seasoning -
20ml Lime J uice -
100mlml C itrus V inaigrette -
3 small P eppers quartered lengthwise -
1 large O nion - cut into 1/4 - to 1/2 - inch slices -
1 punnet of C herry T omatoes -
8 cups thinly sliced R omaine L ettuce -
2 c ups broken T ortilla C hips
Prepare barbecue (high heat). Place pork in shallow dish. Sprinkle pork on
Flavourmagic Togarashi dipping sauce
500ml Greek style Y oghurt -
2 t bsp P ickled Ginger -
Juice of ½ Fresh L ime or Lemon -
1 ½ tsps Flavour m agic Toga ra shi S easoning -
1 sheet N ori finely sliced
Flavourmagic Piri Piri Tomato Salsa
1 tbsp Olive O il -
1 Large O nion -
2 t s p Flavour m agic Piri Piri Seasoning -
1 Kg Tomatoes roughly chop ped